After School Care

Our after school care is a great program where students can complete their homework and help other students. After school care is open Monday through Friday until 5:30 p.m. This program is a great option when parents need somewhere for their child to go to after normal dismissal time.
You must submit all paperwork annually before enrolling your child for the After School Program. Please contact the Finance Office for the After School Care Contract or if there are questions.
After School Clubs and Care Dismissal:
Students who are staying for after-school activities (such as Mission Club, Tutoring, Book Club, etc.) and staying between 2:30 p.m and 4 p.m will be dismissed to parents/guardians or an authorized/designated person from the lobby by the Main Office by the program instructor. Those picking up the student(s) will enter the building using the Washington Ave. main entrance after 2:45 p.m. and wait in the lobby area for their child(ren).
Families who are using the After School Program are to use the Washington Ave. courtyard doors for pick up between 2:35 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Children will need to be signed out by parent/guardian or an authorized/designated person.
Supervision from 2:35 – 5:30 PM: $10 per child/per day
Late Pick-Up Policy:
The After School Program closes promptly at 5:30 p.m. The staff is only employed until 5:30 p.m. For these reasons, late pick-ups create undue inconvenience to the staff and anxiety for the children. Our late pick-up policy and procedure is as follows: A late charge of $1.00 per minute will be assessed for every minute after 5:30 p.m. that a child remains in the After School Program. If you are late, you will be asked to sign a late pick-up form by a staff member.
Schedule Changes/Withdrawal from Program:
Any change in your child’s schedule must be in writing at least 48 hours in advance. Also, if the need arises for you to withdraw your child from the program, two weeks advanced notice is required. Upon withdrawal, the opening created by your child will be filled with the first person on the waiting list. Should you want to re-enroll your child at a later date, and an opening is not immediately available, you would be required to be on the waiting list until an opening occurred.
Emergency Closings:
Whenever Northern Chautauqua Catholic School is closed due to weather or other events, the After School Program will also be closed. The After School Program will be closed for early dismissal and on days noted on the school calendar and marked “No After School” to allow preparations for special after school activities such as concerts, musicals, and the like. You will receive advance notice for any closings as soon as possible.
Our after school care is a great program where students can complete their homework and help other students. After school care is open Monday through Friday until 5:30 p.m. This program is a great option when parents need somewhere for their child to go to after normal dismissal time.
You must submit all paperwork annually before enrolling your child for the After School Program. Please contact the Finance Office for the After School Care Contract or if there are questions.