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Pre-K3 and Pre-K4

Teacher helping preschool student in Dunkirk NY NCCS Preschool Program

In Pre-Kindergarten, we use a lot of music and movement in our lessons.  In Reading, we practice learning our letter sounds and sight words using songs and movement.  The repetition and rhyme is helpful for the students to later recall the sounds and words when practicing reading skills.  We also play phonics and sight word games in small group reading instruction.  


In math, we begin each lesson by working on subitizing.  The children look at ten frame cards and domino cards quickly and practice rapid recall of the number they see.  We also practice this skill by watching a video that displays numbers in ten frames, tally marks, and pictures.


In Religion, we elaborate on Bible stories by listening to the stories from various children's Bibles and learn songs related to the Bible stories.  We always end with prayer and occasionally make trips to pray in the Chapel.  Every month, we learn about  and focus on one saint whose feast day is in that month.  We make saint statues for our prayer table, read picture books about the saint, and learn who that saint is a "helper" too.


We use many thoughtful classroom strategies in all subject areas to encourage higher order thinking skills and increase student engagement.  In kindergarten, we strongly emphasize handwriting skills and practice skills using the Zaner-Bloser curriculum.  STREAM lessons are also incorporated in our science lessons, ELA lessons, and crafts.

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